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Name:Tianlun roast duck
Price: 88 Yuan
Major ingredient: Stuffed duck from Peking Lotus Pool
Minor ingredient: original taste and flavour

Nutritive value:
Know the knowledge about ducks before enjoying the delicious health food:
The skin of duck has much collagen which is the best choice for all the beauty-loving people. The formula for duck grease is the same with that of olive oil. Duck grease stays a short time in body and can soften cardio-cerebral vessels if ingested. Duck meat which is low in cholesterol and high in unsaturated fatty acid is not stored in body. So don’t worry about “high oil, high sugar, high fat” when eating. Duck bone is very nutritious tasty but not greasy. Another special advantage of duck is cold nature. Other meats have no such effective functions of diuresis, detoxifying and warm invigoration as duck.

Six advantages of roast duck:
I. Baking can neutralize the cold nature of duck, making roast duck more suitable for common population, especially for adolescents. Roast duck cannot add “internal heat” to adolescents as chicken, thus preventing them from hyperactivity and obesity.
II. Fat content of duck is lower than other meats and becomes much lower after duck is baked and most subcutaneous fat is melting. This advantage has roast duck become the best choice of women who pursue beauty and delicacy but refuse greasiness such as braised pork.
III. The special material of oven is rich in magnesium, significantly increasing the magnesium content in roast duck, which cannot be achieved by other roast-meat. Magnesium, an essential trace element, cannot be absorbed by body but acts as a catalyst in various metabolic activities (This is the reason why roast duck digests quickly.) Magnesium, which can activate 325 enzyme systems in body, is an important catalyst in the growing process of all the body organs such as bone, cell, RNA, DNA, and a variety of biomembranes.
IV. Traditional Chinese medical science emphasizes that the weak cannot bear too much nourishment and mild invigoration is the best. Roast duck is quite helpful to the old men and postoperative weaklings, much better than ginseng and sea cucumber.
V. The gentle aroma of baked fruit wood can give you an appetite and deeply arouse ancestors’ memory toward delicacies. Therefore, enjoying roast duck is not only for its nutrition but also for tasting culture and history.
VI. Roast duck can be served both to state banquet and home cooking. The ways of eating are various. People can follow their own inclination to change the taste: salt, light, hot or sweet, each is ok.

Three eating ways of Roast Duck Bone Soup:
Roast duck bone soup, combining gravy and bone soup together, is richer and more balanced in nutrition. Plentiful lecithin, mucinoid and ossein have anti-aging function through dredging microcirculation, enhancing immune function, preventing osteoporosis and so on.
Roast duck bone soup mixed with white gourd, Chinese caterpillar fungus, water chestnut or other vegetables that can remove heat, toxics and dampness is good for body in summer and can alleviate zits in teenagers’ faces.
Roast duck bone porridge has good effectiveness for postpartum edema and climacteric syndrome (depression excepted). If you are in weak health or cold in stomach, first fry the rice in the pan to make it hot and then make porridge, which is more effective. 
The features of roast duck partly lies in baking, partly in the way of eating.

I. Slicing
There are two ways of slicing duck. One way is first slice the crisp skin and then the tender meat. The alternative way is slice skin and meat together, thin but not minced. A duck of two kilogram can be sliced into more than 200 pieces, uniform in size like clove leaves. The special taste integrates crispness, savoriness, freshness and tenderness together.
II. Eating
There are three ways of eating matched with different ingredients.
1. The most common way is roll the grilled two-layer Chinese pancake with some pieces of sliced duck, some shallot, cucumber or radish sticks and soy sauce in it.
2. Eat with bruised garlic bulb and soy sauce, or together with some radish sticks
3. The way popular with women and children is dip duck into refined white sugar.

Roast duck is usually served with scallion, garlic, cucumber sticks together, which can not only balance acid and base but also lower cholesterol level, improve the solubility of fibrous protein and help digestion.


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